Booking Procedure
Bernard speaks without notes in a fluid and engaging style across an open stage. Delegates have access to take-away slide material which contains original data and graphics. All presentations conclude with a “what to do now” slide.
Bernard’s speaking fees and expenses vary depending on location.
Bernard travels ex Melbourne. Once Bernard’s availability for an event is determined, and you wish to proceed, email Fiona to confirm the booking. Please also note that tentative dates cannot be held so prompt confirmation is recommended.
Once the booking is confirmed by email Fiona sends a booking form in relation to the event. This form outlines the conditions of the engagement. To confirm a booking, this form must be signed and returned to Fiona at which time a binding agreement is reached (through the services of Bernard Salt), to deliver the Presentation. Bernard's involvement is subject to these conditions.
Bernard always makes himself available for a telephone or VC briefing prior to the event to discuss the topic, the audience, AV requirements and logistics including the time he will arrive and the time he will depart.
Bernard and Fiona work with clients to provide a photo, a bio and a presentation outline for publication in a conference brochure as may be required. And where appropriate Bernard is happy to promote a forthcoming event at which he is speaking via his various social media sites.
It is requested that Bernard’s presentation not be provided as a handout either before or during his presentation. This is to ensure the effect of Bernard’s delivery is not compromised by advance knowledge of his material. He is happy for a pdf copy of his presentation to be provided to attendees after his session.
If you wish to record Bernard’s presentation then contact Fiona Evans on 0415 328 532 to request permission.
Recording of Bernard’s presentation is not permitted to be published on a publicly available website or social media site. Recordings provided to attendees for internal purposes or via a secure gateway for a nominated period of time may be allowed. Please contact Fiona to discuss options.
Bernard flies business class ex Melbourne. Due to Bernard’s schedule, Fiona makes all his flight bookings. Should your event coincide with another engagement, Fiona will undertake to split the airfare costs to ensure fairness to all.
Accommodation & Transfers
If you have engaged Bernard to present either first thing in the morning or in the evening, you will be asked to cover accommodation costs including reasonable meals.
Airport transfers in both the origin city and the destination city are covered by the client.
AV Requirements
Bernard prefers a lapel microphone and an open stage. Ideally he should be able to walk along the edge of the stage and address the audience directly.
You will be invoiced for the fee plus associated travel and accommodation costs after the event. Payment is required within 30 days of the invoice being issued.