Keynote Speaker
Business Advisor
Social Commentator

Keynote Speaker
Business Advisor
Media Commentator
Bernard Salt is a columnist, speaker, business advisor and social commentator who is best known to the wider community for defining and describing unique demographic trends such as the “Seachange Shift”, the “Man Drought” and the “Goats Cheese Curtain”.
He was also responsible for popularising the phrase ‘smashed avocados’... globally!
Bernard has talked about demographics via his books, columns and media appearances for more than 25 years.
His body of work is encapsulated in a series of best-selling books starting with “The Big Shift” published in 2001.
He built a career providing demographics advice to business as a Partner in a global advisory firm. In 2017 he founded The Demographics Group . He has held a number of board positions in the education, arts and cultural fields.
Over three years to 2019 Bernard presented a business program on SkyBusiness called “The Next Five Years.” This was followed by a top-rating podcast called “What Happens Next.”
He served as an adjunct professor at (Perth’s) Curtin University business school between 2011 and 2020. His widely-read newspaper column is published weekly in The Weekend Australian Magazine.
Finally, Bernard was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the 2017 Australia Day honours.
Bernard Salt AM is a futurist who uses long-term datasets to interpret how society is changing. His insights are evidence-based and are engagingly delivered.
He argues that consumer spending is shaped by powerful demographic forces.
Bernard’s insights are ‘road tested’ through his many columns and speaking engagements.
Bernard has delivered presentations to audiences in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Europe, South East Asia and beyond.
Bernard is a highly regarded and well experienced media commentator and contributor.
He provides commentary across all forms of media on a range of topics that naturally flow within the world of ever-changing demographic trends.
Bernard accepts advisory projects in areas that often require an element of public and/or media presentation.
He explains advisory-work findings to boards, to employees and, where appropriate, to the wider community.
Bernard’s advisory work is evidence-based and is engagingly written.
Bernard Salt has published six books since 2001 including four with Hardie Grant and two with Melbourne University Publishing. He says he will write another book “when he retires!”
To keep up with Bernard’s published research findings and insights, follow Bernard Salt on social media and especially on LinkedIn where he posts weekly.

Book Bernard to Speak at your next event
Bernard Salt AM is one of the most in-demand speakers on the Australian corporate speaking circuit. His insights are evidence-based. His speaking style is engaging and upbeat. He speaks directly to the audience without notes.
If you would like to book Bernard for a speaking engagement or enquire about an advisory project, contact Fiona Evans on +61(0) 415 328 532 or email via the link below.